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Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout - beer can - front - 2018

The front view of beer can for Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery.  The art on the beer can depicts an owl in the wilderness.  Great Lakes Brewery is located in Toronto Ontario.

The front view of beer can for Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery. The art on the beer can depicts an owl in the wilderness. Great Lakes Brewery is located in Toronto Ontario.

The front view of a Shinnicked Stout beer can.  Brewed by Muskoka Brewery. Inscription on back of can: Shinnicked is that numbing, gasp-for-breath feeling you get when plunging into a Muskoka lake for a chilly late-night dip. To warm you up afterward we created this rich, velvety stout infused with Muskoka Roastery’s Signature Lumberjack coffee.
Muskoka Shinnicked Stout - beer can - back - 2018

The front view of a Shinnicked Stout beer can. Brewed by Muskoka Brewery. Inscription on back of can: Shinnicked is that numbing, gasp-for-breath feeling you get when plunging into a Muskoka lake for a chilly late-night dip. To warm you up afterward we created this rich, velvety stout infused with Muskoka Roastery’s Signature Lumberjack coffee.

Photo Attributes:Muskoka, Muskoka Brewery, Gravenhurst, Canada, Shinnicked Stout, 2018, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Art, Beer, Beer Cans, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer

The front view of a Shinnicked Stout beer can.  Brewed by Muskoka Brewery.  Tasting notes are: Velvety smooth with higher carbonation for a lighter mouthfeel. Dark roasted chocolate flavours complement strong coffee notes, present from roasted coffee additions.
Muskoka Shinnicked Stout - beer can - front - 2018

The front view of a Shinnicked Stout beer can. Brewed by Muskoka Brewery. Tasting notes are: Velvety smooth with higher carbonation for a lighter mouthfeel. Dark roasted chocolate flavours complement strong coffee notes, present from roasted coffee additions.

Photo Attributes:Muskoka, Muskoka Brewery, Gravenhurst, Canada, Shinnicked Stout, 2018, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Art, Beer, Beer Cans, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer

Photo of the back view of a Waterloo Dark beer can.  Waterloo Brewing is a brand of Brick Brewing Company in Kitchener Ontario.  The can has a artist rendition of a wild boar.
Waterloo Dark - Beer Can - Back - 2018

Photo of the back view of a Waterloo Dark beer can. Waterloo Brewing is a brand of Brick Brewing Company in Kitchener Ontario. The can has a artist rendition of a wild boar.

Photo Attributes:Waterloo Brewing, Brick Brewing Company, Kitchener, Canada, Waterloo Dark, 2018, Ontario, 2018,
In these galleries:Art, Art, Beer, Beer, Beer Cans, Beer Cans, Craft Breweries, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer, Ontario Craft Beer
Photo Specific Links:Waterloo Dark Beer - Official Web Page
from site: This very special boar deserves to be poured slowly and with care to release flavours brewed from Canadian malted barley, specialty malts, imported hops and pure cultured yeast.

The rear view of beer can for Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery. Inscription includes: In the cover of darkness, the mysteries of the forest are revealed to the Nightwatcher.
Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout - beer can - back - 2018

The rear view of beer can for Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery. Inscription includes: In the cover of darkness, the mysteries of the forest are revealed to the Nightwatcher.

Photo Attributes:Great Lakes Brewery, Great Lakes Brewery, Toronto, Canada, Nightwatcher, 2018, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Art, Art, Beer, Beer, Beer Cans, Beer Cans, Craft Breweries, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer, Ontario Craft Beer
Photo Specific Links:Lake of Bays Nightwatcher - Official Web Site
from site:For an incredibly smooth and chocolatey experience, look no further than the Nightwatcher Oatmeal Stout. The heady mocha foam sits beautifully atop this dark chestnut stout.

The front view of beer can for Lake Effect IPA beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery.  Great Lakes Brewery is located in Toronto Ontario.  Pararagraph on back: The weather channel describes Lake Effect snow as a “mass of sufficiently cold air moving over a body of water creating an unstable temperature profile in the atmosphere.” Who cares. This beer, however, has nothing to do with that drivel. It was inspired by a summer spent drinking heaps of IPAs on a stoop on Elmwood Ave. in Buffalo, NY.
Lake Effect IPA - beer can - rear view

The front view of beer can for Lake Effect IPA beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery. Great Lakes Brewery is located in Toronto Ontario. Pararagraph on back: The weather channel describes Lake Effect snow as a “mass of sufficiently cold air moving over a body of water creating an unstable temperature profile in the atmosphere.” Who cares. This beer, however, has nothing to do with that drivel. It was inspired by a summer spent drinking heaps of IPAs on a stoop on Elmwood Ave. in Buffalo, NY.

Photo Attributes:Great Lakes Brewery, Great Lakes Brewery, Toronto, Canada, 2017, Lake Effect IPA, 2018, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Beer, Beer Cans, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer

The front view of beer can for Lake Effect IPA beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery.  The art on the beer can depicts an old fisherman engulfed in a huge wave.  Great Lakes Brewery is located in Toronto Ontario.  This can mentions the 30th anniversary of the brewery
Lake Effect IPA - beer can - front view

The front view of beer can for Lake Effect IPA beer, brewed by Great Lakes Brewery. The art on the beer can depicts an old fisherman engulfed in a huge wave. Great Lakes Brewery is located in Toronto Ontario. This can mentions the 30th anniversary of the brewery

Photo Attributes:Great Lakes Brewery, Great Lakes Brewery, Toronto, Canada, 2017, Lake Effect IPA, 2018, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Art, Beer, Beer Cans, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer

Front view of Legendary Oddity beer can.  Brewed as a Belgian Style beer by Muskoka Brewery.  Produced in 2017.
Muskoka Brewery - Legendary Oddity - Beer Can - Front

Front view of Legendary Oddity beer can. Brewed as a Belgian Style beer by Muskoka Brewery. Produced in 2017.

Photo Attributes:Muskoka, Muskoka Brewery, Canada, Legendary Oddity, 2018, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Art, Beer, Beer Cans, Cans, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer
Photo Specific Links:Legendary Odditylink at Muskoka Breweries
from site: Legends date back to the 1800’s when lumberjacks and fur traders took to the woods and encountered the mysterious culture and wildlife in the Northern region. Today, we echo our ancestors’ quest and have unearthed the spring season’s most distinct offerings. Brewed with a Belgian style in mind, this culmination of unique ingredients rests in our Legendary Oddity brew. We invite you to Release The Legend.

The front of Canadian Pale Ale beer can, by Old Tomorrow Beer.  This is the 2017 edition of the can.
Canadian Pale Ale - Old Tomorrow - Can - Front

The front of Canadian Pale Ale beer can, by Old Tomorrow Beer. This is the 2017 edition of the can.

Photo Attributes:Old Tomorrow, Old Tomorrow Beer, Toronto, Canada, Canadian Pale Ale, 2018, 2017,
In these galleries:Art, Beer, Beer Cans, Cans, Craft Breweries, Ontario Craft Beer