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Brown-headed Cowbird - Female at Feeder

A female brown-headed cowbird at feeder, with seed in beak.  Located in Ontario Canada.

A female brown-headed cowbird at feeder, with seed in beak. Located in Ontario Canada.

The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter.  Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.
Male American Goldfinch - in summer plumage

The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter. Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Male and female chipping sparrows look very similar.  This one taken in Barrie, Ontario.
Chipping Sparrow - At Bird Feeder

Male and female chipping sparrows look very similar. This one taken in Barrie, Ontario.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Emberizidae, Spizella, Passeriformes, 2014, Chordata, Chipping Sparrow, Colaptes auratus, Spizella passerina, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A male northern flicker looking for food in the lawn.
Northern Flicker - Male

A male northern flicker looking for food in the lawn.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Picidae, Colaptes, Piciformes, 2014, Chordata, Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A female brown-headed cowbird, perched at feeder.  The adult male is iridescent black in color with a brown head. The adult female is slightly smaller and is dull grey with a pale throat and very fine streaking on the underparts.
Female Brown-Headed Cowbird

A female brown-headed cowbird, perched at feeder. The adult male is iridescent black in color with a brown head. The adult female is slightly smaller and is dull grey with a pale throat and very fine streaking on the underparts.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Icteridae, Molothrus, Passeriformes, 2014, Chordata, Molothrus ater, Brown-Headed Cowbird, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Both a male and female brown-headed cowbird at feeder.  In Ontario Canada.
Brown-headed Cowbird - Male and Female at Feeder

Both a male and female brown-headed cowbird at feeder. In Ontario Canada.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Icteridae, Molothrus, Passeriformes, 2014, Chordata, Molothrus ater, Brown-Headed Cowbird, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Photo of a blue indigo bunting with a seed in its beak.  The Indigo Bunting is closely related to the Lazuli Bunting and interbreeds with the species where their ranges overlap.
Indigo Bunting at bird feeder - Male

Photo of a blue indigo bunting with a seed in its beak. The Indigo Bunting is closely related to the Lazuli Bunting and interbreeds with the species where their ranges overlap.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Cardinalidae, Passerina, Passeriformes, 2014, Chordata, Passerina cyanea, Indigo Bunting, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A black-capped chickadee perched on tree branch.  The chickadee allowed me to get within ten feet for this photo.
Perched Black-Capped Chickadee

A black-capped chickadee perched on tree branch. The chickadee allowed me to get within ten feet for this photo.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Canada, Paridae, Poecile, Passeriformes, North America, 2014, Chordata, Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A male White Breasted Nuthatch at winter bird feeder.  In Barrie Ontario.
White Breasted Nuthatch - feeding in winter

A male White Breasted Nuthatch at winter bird feeder. In Barrie Ontario.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Canada, Simcoe County, Sitta, Passeriformes, 2014, Chordata , Sitta carolinensis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Backyard, Birds, Winter