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Bed of White Trillums in Forest

Ground level photo White Trilliums in forest in Ontario.

Ground level photo White Trilliums in forest in Ontario.

A photo of a pansy in April 2021, having gone dormant over winter, and then reviving in the spring.
Pansy flower surviving Canadian winter

A photo of a pansy in April 2021, having gone dormant over winter, and then reviving in the spring.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Rosids, Canada, Violaceae, Viola, Plantae, Malpighiales, Pansy, Viola tricolor, Ontario,
In these galleries:Flowers, Garden

The right side of the starbucks medium coffee cup celebrating Christmas in 2017. Purchased in Ontario.  Contains various artistic drawings of Christmas related activites.
Starbucks - 2017 Christmas Coffee Cup - Medium - Right Side

The right side of the starbucks medium coffee cup celebrating Christmas in 2017. Purchased in Ontario. Contains various artistic drawings of Christmas related activites.

Photo Attributes:Starbucks Coffee Company, Barrie, Canada, 2017, Ontario, Ontario, 2017,
In these galleries:Christmas, Coffee, Coffee Cups, Coffee Shops

Close-up of orange-red tulip in Garden.  Late may bloom.
Orange-Red Tulip Close-up in Garden

Close-up of orange-red tulip in Garden. Late may bloom.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Tulip, Tulipa, 2011, Ontario,
In these galleries:Backyard, Close-up, Flowers, Zoom

Close-up of orange-red tulip in Garden.  Late may bloom.
Red Tulip Close-up in Garden

Close-up of orange-red tulip in Garden. Late may bloom.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Tulip, Tulipa, 2011, Ontario,
In these galleries:Backyard, Close-up, Flowers, Zoom

Photo of a trout lily in Ontario Canada.  Photo taken in early may 2011.
Yellow Trout Lily flowering in spring.

Photo of a trout lily in Ontario Canada. Photo taken in early may 2011.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Erythronium, 2011, Erythronium americanum, Trout Lilly, Ontario,
In these galleries:Flowers, Wildflowers

Photo of a young White Trillium not quite blooming.  Photo taken in Ontario Canada
White Trillium budding and not yet in bloom

Photo of a young White Trillium not quite blooming. Photo taken in Ontario Canada

Photo Attributes:Canada, Trillium, 2011, White Trillium, Trillium grandiflorum, Ontario,
In these galleries:Flowers, Wildflowers

Photo of red trillium in Ontario during the spring.
Red Trillium in Ontario.

Photo of red trillium in Ontario during the spring.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Trillium, 2006, Trillium erectum, Red Trillium, Ontario,
In these galleries:Flowers

Photo of white Trillium, which is the official flower of Ontario Canada.
White Trillium in full bloom.

Photo of white Trillium, which is the official flower of Ontario Canada.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Trillium, 2006, White Trillium, Trillium grandiflorum, Ontario,
In these galleries:Flowers
Photo Specific Links:Trillium - Wikipedia
from site: Trillium (trillium, wakerobin, tri flower, birthroot) is a genus of about 40–50 species of spring ephemeral perennials, native to temperate regions of North America and Asia.