Ground level photo White Trilliums in forest in Ontario.
| Pansy flower surviving Canadian winter A photo of a pansy in April 2021, having gone dormant over winter, and then reviving in the spring.
Photo Attributes: | Barrie, Rosids, Canada, Violaceae, Viola, Plantae, Malpighiales, Pansy, Viola tricolor, Ontario, |
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| Red Trillium in Ontario. Photo of red trillium in Ontario during the spring.
| | White Trillium in full bloom. Photo of white Trillium, which is the official flower of Ontario Canada.
Photo Specific Links: | Trillium - Wikipedia | | from site: Trillium (trillium, wakerobin, tri flower, birthroot) is a genus of about 40–50 species of spring ephemeral perennials, native to temperate regions of North America and Asia.
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