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Black squirel gathering sunflower seeds.

Photo of a black squirrel looking for sunflower seeds on a deck.

Photo of a black squirrel looking for sunflower seeds on a deck.

Macro photo of a female Argiope Aurantia. Is commonly known Black and Yellow Garden Spider.  Macro focus is mainly on the spider's head.
Female Black and Yellow Garden Spider - Macro

Macro photo of a female Argiope Aurantia. Is commonly known Black and Yellow Garden Spider. Macro focus is mainly on the spider's head.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Arachnida, Canada, Araneidae, Argiope, Spider, Animalia, Araneae, 2016, Arthropoda, Argiope aurantia, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Insects, Spiders

The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter.  Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.
Male American Goldfinch - in summer plumage

The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter. Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A female American Goldfinch, perched at feeder.
Female Amercian GoldFinch - Perched

A female American Goldfinch, perched at feeder.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Photo of an American Goldfinch at feeder in Ontario.
American Goldfinch Finch at Bird Feeder

Photo of an American Goldfinch at feeder in Ontario.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Spinus, 2010, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds
Photo Specific Links:Bird Feeder (wikipedia)

Photo of female Common Redpoll Finch taken in May in Ontario back yard. (Carduelis flammea)
Finch - Female Common Redpoll in Ontario back yard.

Photo of female Common Redpoll Finch taken in May in Ontario back yard. (Carduelis flammea)

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Carduelis, North America, 2010, Carduelis flammea, Common Redpoll, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Photo of black squirrel standing on deck.
Black squirrel standing on deck.

Photo of black squirrel standing on deck.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Sciuridae, 2010, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Rodents

Photo of Eastern Gray Squirrel eating sunflower seeds dropped from a bird feeder. Might be a tree squirrel or a ground squirrel.
Gray Squirrel in the Snow

Photo of Eastern Gray Squirrel eating sunflower seeds dropped from a bird feeder. Might be a tree squirrel or a ground squirrel.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Sciuridae, Sciurus, 2010, Sciurus carolinensis, Squirrel, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Rodents, Snow
Photo Specific Links:Compare Squrrels to Chipmunks
There are some similarities between these animals as far as the family that they belong to.However there are many things that hold them apart as completely different animals.The way they look, what they eat, hibernation habits,are a few things that hold them apart as individuals among rodent family

How to identify a ground squirrel.
Describes how to identify the ground squirrel.

Squirrel - wikipedia
Squirrels belong to a large family of small or medium-sized rodents called the Sciuridae. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs.

American Goldfinch perched on a sunflower.
American Goldfinch Finch on Sunflower

American Goldfinch perched on a sunflower.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Spinus, 2010, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Flowers
Photo Specific Links:Sunflower (wikipedia)