Photo of a robin with food in its beak, ready to feed it young in the nest. Waiting for the path to be clear to its nest.
| Male American Goldfinch - in summer plumage The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter. Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.
Photo Attributes: | Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario, |
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| Female Amercian GoldFinch - Perched A female American Goldfinch, perched at feeder.
Photo Attributes: | Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario, |
| | Perched Black-Capped Chickadee A black-capped chickadee perched on tree branch. The chickadee allowed me to get within ten feet for this photo.
Photo Attributes: | Barrie, Aves, Canada, Paridae, Poecile, Passeriformes, North America, 2014, Chordata, Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus, Ontario, |
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| Robins nest with four eggs. Photo of four eggs in a robins nest, one day before hatching.
Photo Specific Links: | eHow - How to Identify a Robin Eggs Nest | | from site: The Robin is one of the singing birds who arrive in early spring from their migration route. Robin birds generally build their nests anywhere: the top of a tree, on a rose bush, a house window, even on the lawn. They eat berries, worms and insects.
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| | Baby Robins sleeping in nest. Photo of two day old robins sleeping in nest.
Photo Specific Links: | Caring for baby birds | | from site: If you're a birdwatcher it's bound to happen. You are going to come upon a baby bird out of the nest. Wondering what can be done to help care and feed them is a question that we get often. It's important to know what you can do, and what you can't do when you find young birds.
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